abortion information in Clarkston, WA
free services and education at Reliance Center
what is the abortion pill?
The abortion pill is an early pregnancy termination method and is also known as a self-managed or at-home abortion. If you are considering abortion or have looked at how to cause a miscarriage, learn more about eligibility, side effects, what to expect, restrictions, and recovery. Please note that forcing a miscarriage at home can put your health and life at risk.
We can provide pregnancy confirmation services to verify the viability of your pregnancy. An ultrasound confirms whether your pregnancy is intrauterine or not and helps detect an ectopic pregnancy. It also can give information about the type of pregnancy and help determine the cost of an abortion. While we do not provide or refer for abortion services, they provide answers and options so you can make a medically informed choice. Contact us to book a free appointment today.
who can take the abortion pill?
Women with certain medical conditions, who have allergies to drugs used in the abortion pill regimen, who have an ectopic pregnancy, or who are more than ten weeks pregnant are not eligible for the abortion pill.
The abortion pill is ineffective in the case of an ectopic pregnancy, which is a pregnancy that occurs within the fallopian tube or somewhere else in a woman’s body other than the uterus. If left untreated, it can cause the fallopian tube to rupture, resulting in lethal bleeding and hemorrhaging. Abortions are not used to treat ectopic pregnancies.
Like any drug, weight, hormones, allergies, health conditions, diseases, and the type of pregnancy can cause side effects to vary. If you have taken the first dose of the abortion pill and change your mind, contact the abortion pill reversal network to learn more about your options.
Note: If you are Rh-negative, be sure to tell your healthcare provider so you can get the necessary treatment after an abortion.
What are my surgical options?
If you are considering an abortion procedure, we can talk through the most common types - aspiration and D&C abortions - and answer your questions about side effects, risks, what to expect, recovery, and more. Contact us today to set up a free nurse consultation.
Additional citations:
Leonard, J. (2022, August 4). Abortion home remedies: Risks and what to know. Medical News Today.
Van Look, P. F. A., & Cottingham, J. (2013). The World Health Organization’s Safe Abortion Guidance document. American Journal of Public Health, 103(4), 593–596.
Carmen Pope. (2024, May 2024) Misoprostol Side Effects and Warnings. What is Misoprostol? https://www.drugs.com/misoprostol.html